After being unscrambled and posted to SoundCloud by user Mosaic Horse, an official cleaned-up version of the audio clip was shared by BioWare on Twitter. Liara can be heard chatting to a geth, one of Mass Effect’s multitudinous artificial intelligences. “I can see it… How did we miss this?" Liara said. “Exactly, the Council will be furious… although they should know by now not to underestimate human defiance.” Too right, Liara. Whatever the plot of the next Mass Effect is, it sounds very much like humans are up to something cheeky. Is future humanity building their own mass relay? Although we’ll likely have to wait for some time to find out exactly what the Milky Way humans are up to, Project Director Mike Gamble shared some fresh concept art to keep interested parties tided over for a bit. I spot a turian, salarian, and a krogan kicking about in it. Mass Effect 5: The Final Frontier doesn’t have any firm release details just yet. As soon as any more transmissions come through, I’ll send them your way.