How to leave the Enclave Library in Baldur’s Gate 3 How to get past the poison door Which exit should you take?
How to leave the Enclave Library in Baldur’s Gate 3
To leave the Enclave Library in Baldur’s Gate 3 you will need to collect the Arcane Circlet from Nettie. This likely means killing her, so if you haven’t done so already, have at it. You’ll need to kill her to get the poison antidote anyway, so pick that up alongside the Arcane Circlet. Once you have the circlet, equip it to one of your party members. This character can now open both of the exits in this area.
How to get past the poison door
As we mentioned previously, there are actually two exits out of the Enclave Library. One is the door you came in from, while another is located behind the wolf statue. The latter is masked in a poison cloud, so you’ll need to take care when heading this way. By this point you should have the antidote to Nettie’s poison in your inventory. Drink it to heal yourself. The antidote will also make you immune to poison until your next rest , so walk through with your buffed character. There is a broken statue on the other side of the door, and you can move a piece of it to cover the poison vent. This will allow the rest of your party to pass through unscathed.
Which exit should you take?
Depending on your current objective you’ll want to choose your exit wisely. To follow the objective involving the captured healer, go through the poison door. There are goblins on the other side of the far exit, so be careful when heading this way. You’ll find yourself in a Goblin Den, and can find the healer a little ways ahead. If you’re looking to follow the refugee story, head back through the exit you came in from. There’s all of the details you’ll need to escape the Enclave Library in Baldur’s Gate 3. For more on the game be sure to check out our review. Elsewhere there’s our look at the awesome character creator, as Alice Bell attempts to make the most interesting character possible.